
lashing Protection

When using lashing systems, take care not to damage the webbing components. In order to carry out safe lashing procedures, many applications require protection between the load and the lashing system.

Protection sleeves are available, together with moulded plastic corner pieces. Protective sleeves manufactured from polyester provide resistance to abrasion. Sleeves are available to suit any application. As an alternative, webbing pads can be sewn to the lashings at fixed points, to protect a lashing system from acute edges. We also recommend the use of a plastic corner piece on sharp edges.

Chemical Environments

Take extreme care when using lashing products in a chemical environment. Alternative materials are available in cases where polyester is not safely acceptable. We can advise on ‘safe handling’ within all normal and hazardous environments.

Pre Use Checks

All products should be regularly inspected during use. These checks should be extended to both webbing and fixings. If any doubt exists as to the fitness for use, remove the product from service for examination by a competent person.


Store lashings and fixings in a clean and dry environment, in addition to keeping it away from heat and chemicals.